1. Comp Evaluation Program This program was developed by Dan Mandarino, Director of Planning and Analysis at Caesars Entertainment. This is but one of many extraordinary models he has developed. Casino complimentary systems typically default to a "fixed" casino advantage. Also, most casinos also comp based on the player's "actual loss." Dan's program allows you to compare what you "thought" you earned to what your policies "actually" earned.
2. Equivalent Volatility Often management is concerned with volatility. This sheet compares different betting limits in blackjack so as to equate the volatility. For example, betting $5,531 on each spot of a 6-spotted table has the same volatility as betting 1 spot at $22,806 (assuming a trip of 800 total rounds, .42% casino advantage, and flat bets).
3. These programs were developed by Andrew MacDonald. Andrew is Executive Vice President - Casino, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
1. Andrew MacDonald Game Analyzer
2. Andrew MacDonald Volatility Analyzer
4. Urbino This site contains the most current and pertinent news from around the world, and
1. Some very creative management tools.
4. Bankroll Requirements (Nevada worksheet)
5. Gaming Control - All U.S. Jurisdictions
6. Nevada Gaming Control
1. Gaming Control Board (Nevada)
2. Gaming Taxes (Nevada)
3. Black Book, Wanted, and Denied (Nevada)
7. New Jersey Gaming Control
2. Division of Gaming Enforcement
3. Act
5. Statistics (New Jersey must report the earning of each
casino. Click on Financial and Statistical Information. Every casino's results
are posted.) http://www.state.nj.us/casinos/financia/
6. Black Book (New Jersey)